My Starter (.5 post) Example

I am so excited to start this project. I love reading everyone’s actual, school appropriate voice in these posts. I love the different gifs, memes, and links students add in. I can’t wait (well, I can, as I first need to get caught up in the grading of Crucible stuff)!

Each semester I look forward to reading the ACTUAL THOUGHTS of students about books, written in their own voices rather than being forced into academic voice (don’t get me wrong, I understand the need to write in academic voice, but come on, we have to have other options here). I decided to take some time to have an example post one here about the book I’m reading (even though I have already read a few hundred pages.

I’m reading the book The Testaments by Margaret Atwood. I have wanted to read more in the world of The Handmaid’s Tale since I read it a few years ago. That ending though…why does she not actually end it?? You can’t say someone is escaping and then never let us know if she makes it!!! But anyways, I wanted to read this to see what happens to Offred (spoiler, she’s NOT in this book…) I was apprehensive about reading it because right now the world is just so dark and I didn’t really want to enter another EXTREMELY DARKER WORLD that sadly seems like it could be real (that’s why most of my reading lately has been candy reads). But really, it’s going pretty good. I’m excited to share some ideas about my reading with all of you.


Here’s a random Crucible meme for us all

This is hillarious. If only Coach Hale had long hair like this…



Starter Post Directions

First Post: What is your book? Why did you pick it? Who are you reading with (if you are)? What are you looking forward to in this project? What are you apprehensive about? What are you going to do to ensure your success? –due today (Tuesday)


(150 words, why you are reading that book, at least one image)